
Separation of Arcona Najad Yachts AB

The Board of Directors for Arcona Najad Yachts AB have decided to split the well-known Swedish brands into two separate companies; Arcona Yachts AB and Najad Yachts AB. Arcona’s operation will continue to be run by the same team as today led by CEO, Urban Lagnéus. For Najad a new CEO and Board will be established.

We have carefully considered different strategic options for both brands in order to best accelerate their growth. Our conclusion is that both companies will have a better ability to grow by being run as two separate entities with a 100% focus on each brand.” – comments Håkan Eksandh, owner of Arcona Yachts AB and Najad Yachts AB.

The split of the companies will take effect immediately.

SE Yachts are proud to remain the exclusive dealer in the UK & Ireland for Arcona Yachts and Najad Yachts of Sweden.

Please contact us on if you would like any further information.

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