
New CEO for Najad Yachts AB

Following the announcement that Najad Yachts and Arcona Yachts will be two separate companies, Fredrik Malmqvist has been appointed as CEO for Najad. Fredrik is an Engineer with a Masters degree from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH) and currently holds the position of Chief Product and Marketing Officer at the Nasdaq listed FinTech, Qliro.

“Fredrik has a proven track record of being a great leader and leading businesses in transformation. I believe that Fredrik’s strategic and commercial mindset coupled with a huge passion for the yachting industry, is a highly unique and fortunate combination. It will for sure be exciting and inspiring to see Fredrik develop Najad further.” – comments Håkan Eksandh, Owner of Najad Yachts AB.

“I am excited and proud to be appointed the new CEO for such a well-established brand as Najad. I have followed the yachting industry and Najad for many years and in my view Najad’s ability to combine world class design with traditional craftsmanship from Sweden provides a unique position with huge potential.” – says Fredrik Malmqvist, appointed CEO for Najad Yachts AB.

Fredrik Malmqvist will assume the role as CEO for Najad at the beginning of September 2022.

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